Unlimited travel around Italy at highly privileged prices
With Visit Italy Pass you will be able to take unlimited advantage of the best tours, experiences and places to stay all over Italy, at highly privileged prices.
Visit Italy Pass is a members club at a cost of EUR 167 per year. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
Unlimited travel around Italy at highly privileged prices
With Visit Italy Pass you will be able to take unlimited advantage of the best tours, experiences and places to stay all over Italy, at highly privileged prices.
Visit Italy Pass is a members club at a cost of EUR 167 per year. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
Travel without agencies
Unlimited travel with a choice of over 100 beach or mountain hotels starting from €0
Do you love Italy and want to visit all of it? Are you tired of paying tour operators and agencies? Sign up to Visit Italy Pass to take unlimited advantage of the best tours and places to stay in Italy at highly privileged prices. You can choose from over 100 beach or mountain hotels starting from €0 at certain times of the year, as well as tours and experiences in the historical cities with a discount of up to 40%.

Some advantages of Visit Italy Pass
Some advantages of Visit Italy Pass
Pass Travelers and the City
Pass Travelers 
and the City
The international Happy Hours that get travellers mixing with the locals.

With your Visit Italy Pass membership, you will be eligible to take part in the international events run by Travelers and The City with up to 50% discount on the entry fee. A fantastic idea which started in London and has now reached Italy, Travelers and the City organise events in Italian cities which are designed to help visitors meet the locals. Held in exclusive or historical locations, these events are the perfect mix of culture and fun.
Pass Travelers 
and the City
Pass Travelers and the City
The international Happy Hours that get travellers mixing with the locals.
With your Visit Italy Pass membership, you will be eligible to take part in the international events run by Travelers and The City with up to 50% discount on the entry fee. A fantastic idea which started in London and has now reached Italy, Travelers and the City organise events in Italian cities which are designed to help visitors meet the locals. Held in exclusive or historical locations, these events are the perfect mix of culture and fun.
Unlimited travel around Italy at highly privileged prices.
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